Friday, 1 May 2009

Gordon Brown

The one thing wrong in our country is Gordon Brown. The man’s an idiot. He’s been criticised by Charles Clarke for expecting people to obey him and for bullying MP’s to vote for his new expenses scheme.

Furthermore, he stole Boris Johnson’s initiative on electric cars, introduced it as his own three months after Boris had launched it. To further this Gordon decided to take all the credit. As Ian Hislop said on Have I got News for You recently, “that’s what you get with Gordon, a straight forward lie” -as well as a bunch of crazy economic ideologies.

It also sounds like the man is losing he’s marbles -if he ever had them to begin with. Employees of Gordon Brown have revealed that he has thrown pens, staplers and other objects at aides and have even witnessed him thrust a laser printer off a desk. Staff have even developed a method called a ‘news sandwich’ which is basically telling Brown good news, followed by bad news to quickly informing him of something good –to stop him having a hissy fit.

After nosing around on the net for other people’s views on him I found an article (2nd link) that states he has disabled youtube users from commenting on his videos. This all occurred because of the video of Brown announcing -with that creepy manic smile that suddenly appeared on his face- his new idea for a MP’s expenses system. I also found another juicy bit of information within the article that made me laugh “The eighth most popular petition of the moment, [on the Governments e-petitions website] with 17,665 signatures and counting, asks Mr Brown to do just one thing: resign”.

I also read today in the Guardian that the Labour Chairman of the commons public administration committee said “It is rather a large understatement to say that we are in a bit of a mess” and they also published a reader’s comment which sums Brown up. “Brown seems to have performed the brilliant hat trick of failing to grasp where his parliamentary party is coming from, failing to recognise what we provoke ridicule in the press and failing to acknowledge the public mood.”

Do we really want this idiot to be in charge of this country? I think it is time for a vote of no confidence.

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