Friday 24 April 2009

Government Expenses

My dislike with our current Government grows everyday. Gordon’s new proposal for the expenses system is worse than the existing one. Currently all MP’s have to produce a receipt to get their expenses paid for, if this new expenses system is introduced MP’s would just need to turn up to work and receive their daily allowance. The problem with this is no one will know what they have spent their money on.

It is bad enough that these MP’s have got away with spending their allowance on but at least we now know about it. If this new system comes in we will never know who is playing the system, which equals to how do we know who can be trusted? (Not that we trust them anyway). They’d easily get away with not raising the taxes if they reduced their expenses. I also don’t think people who have grown up with luxurious life styles should make major decisions for our country, how do they know what we need if they’ve never lived our lives? This is proven when they do not understand our outrage at what their expenses include and reply to the public with “we haven’t broken any rules”. I think the Government has a long way to go before they gain any faith from the public.

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